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Clients Case Study: Charles Place Appartments

In 2017 we completed a partial renovation of the 10-story building in Providence, RI for United Renovations out of Carrollton, Texas. This project was a fast-track project that included a new service upgrade, 250 KW generator, kitchen and lighting upgrades in all 200 apartments, mechanical upgrades, elevator upgrades, camera and card access system installation, and community and office area renovations. This project was confronted with a fire alarm system replacement that was added to the project due to a system failure. This project presented many obstacles that we had to provide special...


ALERT AIRCRAFT HANGERS CUSTOMER – Maron Construction Corporation – POC – Tom Maron – 401-272-4930 The project was to build 2 aircraft hangers for the Massachusetts Air National Guard. The new construction project included many difficult weather and logistic challenges. The project utilized all of our talents and training which included high voltage splicing, exothermic grounding, fiber optic and telecommunications cabling, fire alarm suppression systems, motor controls, lightning protection, airport runway lighting, specialized electrical testing, and many other tasks to complete.


WASYLEAN AND SHEEHAN HALL – 6-STORY DORMITORY AND CAFETERIA CUSTOMER – ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEM CORPORATION – POC – Stewart Leroux – 860-953-8800 The project was to install the HVAC control system for Environmental Systems Corporation out of West Hartford, Connecticut.   An electrical contractor had already begun the project when we were called upon to provide a cost proposal and immediate manpower. We stepped right in and got the project back on schedule. The project was completed on time and within our customer’s budget. This propelled us to do many other projects with ESC and...